Days Of The Dead 2016

Well the anticipation is over. This past weekend was mine and Frank’s belated anniversary celebration. We decided to hold off doing something for our anniversary (Halloween) and splurge for Days of The Dead since it was only a few weeks after! It worked out perfectly. We got a hotel room and had a blast.

The hi light of the trip was giving Alice Cooper my Zombie Alice head prop. I prepared like I did for Chandler Riggs and made a special box to put Zombie Alice in. I decided that “I’ll Bite Your Face Off” was the perfect song title to use on the outside. I then just painted the box in the colors that are used on the shirt her wears on stage/on his album cover.


Due to the fan chaos of him being there we decided to only stand through one long line for the photo op and not do the autograph line. We were smart to do it on Friday because as expected Saturday was absolutely insane. Another reason it was smart to just get the hotel for the whole weekend and not stress. This was me in our hotel room just moments before going to get in line for the photo op. I was stoked!


We stood in line for quite a while because it was a bit of a cluster at first. The staff working were a little bombarded on what to do with all of us. Once they got the hang of things and Alice arrived things moved a lot more quickly. When Frank and I walked up to him and I handed him Zombie Alice. His first reaction was “Wow! You made this!” and then he shook my hand. Then I told him I made it for HIM he said “It’s gonna be so fun getting this on the plane when I fly home” ha ha. He was making little jokes with everyone that walked up to meet him and was so laid back and easy going. It really was a “nightmare” come true. We have never been able to afford the meet and greets at his concert so even though we only got a brief moment with him it was an incredible experience.

This is a scanned copy of our professional photo op…. EEK!


The next thing on our list was to play catch up with my dear friend and favorite “clown” Sid Haig. We waited until his line died down for a little bit on Saturday to stop by and shoot the shit with him. Of course I had to get a picture to add to my millions of Sid moment photos. sid-haig-9
It was so nice to see him once again and catch up. He said he really liked my Halloween costume and I of course thanked him for my hot dog shirt. It went by too quickly as the line started to build again from us chit chatting and we didn’t want to hold up all the people looking forward to meeting him (and some for the first time). A girl who was buying something at a vending table later on in the day went on to me about what a class act Sid was and how some others were not so kind. I didn’t bother to tell her how many wonderful memories I have had with him since 2004 and how I now consider him and Suzie friends. Instead I let her ramble and agreed 110% with her. I remember how it felt to meet him for the first time and I remember feeling the exact same way about him. It’s so great to see people getting that same feeling from him all these years later. There are some celebs you meet at these things that just seem to go through the motions and some who you know really care about their fans. Sid cares and always has. He is a rare gem!

While visiting him we had him sign us a mini bucket of Captain Spaulding chicken. He had them for sale at his table and are replicas of the ones used in the Rob Zombie Pin Ball machine. One of the most meaningful things we got all weekend.

Another meaningful piece was this statue we saw that immediately drew our attention because it made us think of our departed Sabbath (Sabby Girl). See she liked to spill things just for fun. This included always trying to knock over my cup of water/brushes when I would paint. She also had a bad habit of knocking her water bowl across the kitchen or spilling cups we left out over night. She would tip them over, watch it spill and literally walk away. She was crazy but we loved her.


We bought a lot of other really cool things. I won’t bore you by listing them here but if you really want to know leave a comment and I can fill you in. I know some of my fellow horror fanatics might find them amusing! The vendors there had a great variety. We got life like props, t-shirts, limited edition collectibles etc. Here are just a few pics we posted on Instagram during our con venturing showing off a few.

Overall this past weekend at Days of the Dead was the perfect little getaway to celebrate our belated 7 year wedding anniversary. So memorable!

Stay Spooky!
LDG Nicole


5 thoughts on “Days Of The Dead 2016

  1. Pingback: Creature Feature: Nights With Alice Cooper | Living Dead Girl Nicole

  2. Pingback: Raven: Officially an IT Girl! | Living Dead Girl Nicole

  3. Pingback: Days Of The Dead Chicago 2017 | Living Dead Girl Nicole

Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make....